New FREE Group Program!

Hi everyone How are you all doing? I hope you are staying healthy in your homes.

So In response to unprecedented demand I’ve been working on another new program and this one is totally ON ME!

Starting this Wednesday 1st April (No this is not an April fool joke)!

The ReadytoGlow 10 day challenge

Yes you heard me...!

But why COMPLIMENTARY I hear you ask?

I would like to do my bit to help as many people as possible in this current situation to do something positive for themselves. There has never been a moment in time when regular exercise has been so important. Also knowing how to eat healthy with limited supplies and even more of a limited cash flow!

The exercises can all be done safely at home with VERY LITTLE OR NO EQUIPMENT NECESSARY!

I teach you my fundamentals, then build on them so you are SO CONFIDENT in your movement and understand the programming as we go.

What is included?

Free workouts from my App to build muscle strength and therefore burn more calories.

Nutrition guide to help you loose weight if that’s necessary but also to reduce inflammation in the body & boost your immune system.

Coaching tips along the way

Live Q & A with me

Online support

Automatic membership to a private Facebook group for community support with daily health tips and recorded challengers.

Sounds like something you need right now? Just fill in the form below and I’ll be back in touch.

But hurry as I can only take a certain amount of people due to the restriction of the App.

Look forward to glowing with you all soon
