Do you want to Rock your 40s and 50s?


Hey want to use this time to get healthy, fit and strong…Do you want to Rock your 40s and 50s?....

Well I’m pleased to announce It’s Finally Here!

In response to unprecedented demand I’ve been working on something special combining my skills as a personal trainer, nutritionist and health coach and…

… I can’t tell you how excited I am to announce this!

For several years I’ve been working with women who want to rock their 40s and 50s. I’ve helped them to drop a dress size, become fitter, stronger, increase their energy levels and help ease their pain from those tired aching joints with my unique “ReadytoGow” system without hours in the gym OR having to follow the latest fad diet. Together, we’ve had some pretty special moments:

”It’s really working for me. I’ve now lost weight and feel much fitter and healthier and stronger than I ever could imagine! Thank you Karen” Kate

However because of the amazing technology that’s now available, I’m now able to take on clients around the world all from the comfort and safety of their own homes.

How it works:

Online training is a new and exciting way to offer life changing, transformation, health and fitness coaching to clients. It can be utilized by anyone, anywhere, offering convenience, responsiveness, flexibility, and affordability. With it, I can empower my clients with more accountability and support than I ever could in-person to change their mind and body.

What's the best part?

The program is your program and personalised especially for you. No longer limited by rules of the gym, scheduling necessities, and financial obligations to a host of other parties, I can give you precisely what you need, when you need it.

Every client is different from one another. Over the course of your training you will need different things from me in terms of direction, support, and accountability.

You need a wellness program that lasts. Stop operating from shame and guilt and start operating from self-love and confidence.

When you do this right, you no longer feel like you’re either “on” or “off” the wagon that keep you in the cycle of fitness failure.

You have been wasting so much time and energy worrying if you are doing it right and putting yourself down in the process.

My strategy will change outlook on yourself and allow you to achieve the body you crave once and for all.

I’ve built a couple different packages for different needs that vary in price and support to ensure that you get exactly what you need in terms of direction, accountability, and support and don’t pay for anything more.

So imagine looking in the mirror in 12 weeks time and loving what you see. What if you could feel the best you have ever felt in your life. What would that do for your confidence?

Imagine becoming a stronger, fitter healthier and more confident version of your current self, to enhance the amazing person that already exists. So please believe in yourself and know how strong and physically capable you truly are. Make yourself more not less. You are worth it

I’m offering limited time starter prices to the first 5 people who sign up £50 off ALL packages! So if you’re ready to make a change, let’s do this! My success is your success. I’m here to make sure you rock it with your fitness goals.

Fill out the form and if I feel we are a good fit I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Oh, and I offer a guarantee on all of my services because I’m so sure that it’ll work for you.

My consultation spaces are going quick, so fill out the form right away to get started.

Love and glowing health to you all
